Pattern FutureNed

Who we are

Qualitative, affordable and intelligent. The energy storage systems of FutureNed, for a powerful future!

Icon FutureNed
Who we are

"The energy transition is closer than you can imagine"

At FutureNed, we strive to make the energy transition not only achievable but also understandable for everyone. We have noticed that there is a lot of uncertainty and confusion surrounding the energy transition. For many companies, this is even the biggest obstacle to investing in green solutions. And yet, electrification will soon be mandatory!

Who are we?
Allow us to introduce our founders, Roy Dofferhoff and Hugo and Bert de Heus: three entrepreneurs dedicated to being a reliable partner and assisting you in answering questions and providing suitable solutions for every unique situation.

Roy has years of experience in the maritime sector as an engineer. During his time at sea, he witnessed the inefficiency and pollution of current energy systems. His thought: this can be improved! In his mission to create a cleaner future for the next generations, he is joined by Bert and Hugo de Heus. Bert and Hugo, owners of Heus Tractors, have over 40 years of experience in importing and selling tractors and heavy machinery. Bert and Hugo have witnessed all the developments up close. They saw, for instance, how large electric construction and port machines, when charged through a standard connection, take as long as 12 hours to charge and then operate for only 8 hours. A waste of productivity and usability! With these thoughts in mind, Roy, Hugo and Bert decided to create the construction site of the future themselves, with FutureNed's solutions reducing charging time to just 50 minutes!

Green innovationWith the introduction of our technology, we aim to boost electrification in various sectors and create a greener future. Since electrification requires significant investments in new technologies and sustainable systems, we want to ensure that there is no longer any ambiguity about it. Additionally, we make investing in green energy more attractive because our battery systems can be used for trading on the energy market. This not only leads to increased productivity but also in recouping the investment!

Testimonial Image

Bij alles wat FutureNed doet staat de klanttevredenheid voorop

Sam Kennedy

Inkoop bedrijfsnaam

Wij waren op zoek naar een duurzame oplossing voor onze energieopslag, deze heeft FutureNed speciaal voor ons op maat gemaakt

Bella Smith

Manager bedrijfsnaam

Bekijk wat onze partners zeggen over FutureNed

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